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Health & Beauty

Yellow Nails: Cause, Cure And Prevention

nail care

Yellow nails syndrome is exactly what it sounds like: your nails turn a pale yellow color. This can indicate a variety of underlying concerns, ranging from nail polish stains to more serious health conditions. In this post, we'll go over some of the most common reasons and treatments for yellow nails syndrome. Of course, the best way to avoid yellow nails is to avoid them in the first place, so we'll go over some prevention tips as well.

Bacterial Infection Or Fungus

A nail infection or fungus is the most prevalent cause of yellowing nails. We know it's unpleasant, but it occurs! Flaking of the nail and a foul smell are further indicators of a fungal infection. If remaining unattended, the nail bed may retract, thickening and crumble.


Trying To Cure Infected Or Fungus-Infected Yellow Nails

The best thing you can do is schedule an appointment with a dermatologist — not immediately, but if you haven't noticed any progress after 10-14 days of at-home cures, make an appointment. Not only will they properly diagnose you and manage your needs, but medications for yellow nails are significantly more effective than over-the-counter remedies.

Be advised that medications can take weeks or months to properly restore the health of your nails. Time is required for your healthy nail to develop and replace the old yellowed nails.

Attempt any of these at-home treatments before going to the dermatologist:

  • Oregano Oil: It has anti-fungal qualities, according to research. If you're not sure whether the yellowing is caused by bacteria or fungi, oregano oil is an excellent choice because it addresses both. Mix it with a carrier oil like olive, coconut, or jojoba oil and apply it to the damaged nails.

  • Tea Tree Oil: Another simple and efficient treatment is tea tree oil, which has been shown in trials to inhibit the growth of common nail fungus types. Simply combine 1-2 drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil and apply to the stained nail.

  • Baking Soda: Another common home ingredient that has anti-fungal effects. Baking soda's alkaline pH inhibits fungus from spreading because it only develops in acidic settings. It'll help if you soak your feet or toes in hot water combined with baking soda. Your nails should start to clear up after a few soaks.

Preventing Bacterial or Fungal Infections on Nails

You may avoid nail infections by practicing good nail care:

  • Make sure to clean your nails regularly and keep dirt out from under them.
  • To prevent toenail infections like athlete's foot, wear clean socks and let your feet breathe.
  • On your nails, don't use a nail paint cleanser more than once a week.
  • Infections can also be disseminated in nail salons due to the use of non-sanitized products. Ensure that your nail technician is using a fresh or clean kit.

Stained From Nail Polish

Reducing weeks or months of polish might leave your nails with an unattractive yellowish hue. Darker polishes do the most damage, leaving unwanted colors on the nails. But it's not the end of the world!

Curing Stained Nails

Generally the most efficient home remedy: Soak your nails in lemon juice for 10-15 minutes every day until the stains are gone. Try whitening toothpaste if you think your polish stains are simply temporary, such as if you've just cleaned yellow polish and see surface stains. Using a nail brush, scrub your nails with toothpaste. This ought to suffice.

Baking soda and peroxide are another at-home technique. In a bowl, combine 2.5 teaspoons baking soda and 1 tablespoon peroxide. It will become pasty. Apply the paste to your entire nails using a cotton ball. After around 3 minutes, rinse with water. This treatment should be repeated every 6-8 weeks. Also, make sure to properly rinse your hands and nails afterward and rehydrate them with moisturizer and cuticle oil.

The staining is generally limited on the top layer of the nail bed due to discoloration. A couple of rounds of polishing may be all that is required. Your cuticles may also become yellowed as a result of the yellowing. It's definitely best to just get a professional manicure at this point; they'll know how to bring your nails back in shape.


Prevent Stained Nails

Invest in a clear base coat to avoid discolored nails. It will preserve your nails from discoloration while also extending the life of your lovely manicure or pedicure. Another anti-yellowing advice is to use a high-quality nail oil with jojoba or squalene every day.

It's possible that your nail beds are porous and absorb the dyes from nail polishes easily – bad luck! We suggest using lighter colors but not keeping your manicure on for too long in this case (no more than a week). Stick with acrylics if you don't want your nails to stain.

Smoking Yellows Your Nails

As if smoking didn't already have a long list of negative health consequences, now there's another: yellow nails. Cigarette tar and nicotine are the sources of the problem. What's the solution? Quit smoking. Prevention? Do not begin to smoke. We know it's a harsh statement, but it's the truth in this case.

More Serious Health Issues

A change in the color of your nails could indicate a more serious problem. Yellowing nails can be caused by a variety of disorders, including thyroid, liver, and lung disease, as well as diabetes. If you don't observe any improvement after 10-14 days of at-home remedies, consult your doctor. They'll be able to see if the yellow nails are caused by fungus, yeast, bacteria, or something else.


New Vitamin E Can Be Used To Cure Yellow Nails.

Taking a sufficient quantity of Vitamin E will aid in the retention of moisture in cells and make them appear healthier. This has an impact on not only your nails but also your skin and hair. Vitamin E, on the other hand, has been clinically demonstrated to be an effective cure for yellow nails.

Another tip: Vitamin E promotes nail development. Vitamin E, applied topically or orally, promotes healthy nail growth, allowing you to replace yellowed nails with healthy, vital ones. Overall, yellow nails are an unpleasant guest, and they're usually caused by bacterial or fungal diseases, or they're just stained with nail polish.

Rest assured that our specialists always use sanitized equipment that has been treated with barbicide, and that we do all possible to prevent infection from treatments. We often use high-quality base coatings to prevent stains on your nails.

If you need some nail help, book an at-home therapy with us, and if you need any more nail-related or beauty knowledge, take a look at our blog.

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