New 24K Treatment + Free Upgrades Bring A Friend: Free Champagne + Collagen Mask on Thursdays and Fridays
New 24K Treatment + Free Upgrades Bring A Friend: Free Champagne + Collagen Mask on Thursdays and Fridays
People frequently inquire about how often they should get pedicures. When deciding on the optimal schedule, there are various aspects to consider. Your technician can assist you in developing a customized foot care program that includes which services and how often they are performed, as well as specific home care.
A routine of 4 to 6 weeks generally works well for individuals with healthy, happy feet. This regimen is based on the assumption that you are not attempting to make significant gains, but rather to maintain your current level of foot care. It also presumes that you're taking care of your feet at home, such as moisturizing and possibly filing your feet.
In a future post, we will go over home care programs in better detail. Depending on your foot, you may want additional assistance during a certain season. In this case, a four-week interval could be preferable.
A pedicure every 3 to 4 weeks will be more beneficial if your feet or nails have any issues that need to be addressed. Each visit should result in some enhancements over the last one.
While some progress will be lost between visits, you should see benefits in the long run, and your technician can check in with you at each session to determine if you can move to a longer interval.
On occasion, we begin a client's Medical Pedicure with hurdles, allowing us to take extra time to get everything in its proper place. Even so, it may take numerous visits to achieve the results you desire.
We can only remove a certain amount of callus in a single day without risking harm, for example. Intermediate therapies may be the best choice if you want to see the biggest change in the shortest amount of time.
You can attend a focused session to address your specific condition with our therapeutic treatments. In week 0, we normally offer a pedicure, usually the medical pedicure, followed by a therapeutic treatment in week 2, and then another full pedicure in week 4. Clients can easily acquire enhancements in an accelerated timeframe using this compressed schedule.
Exfoliation, also known as callus smoothing, crack healing, or corn reduction, is one of the services provided in the salon. Exfoliation can help reduce or remove undesirable keratinized skin, but it can also be excessive. Exfoliation that is excessively harsh might result in irritation, blistering, cracking, and excessive callus development.
These bad effects usually appear a day or two after exfoliation, which is why we must be careful when exfoliating. Something that feels smooth and pleasant at the time of the appointment does not necessarily imply that it will be a good thing in the long run.
We don't advise professional exfoliation more than every two weeks because we're looking for long-term results. No matter how passionate our clients are, we will not over-exfoliate their skin. We're watching out for you and your well-being!
Still have questions? Call 669-273-6499 and book a free consultation!